As many other parts around the world, the Schouwen coast in Zeeland, Netherlands is being threatened by the effects of climate change. Hard structures that nowadays defend us from the sea are obsolete and will not withstand the sea level rise that is predicted. We need to think of other solutions.
- HZ University of Applied Sciences
- Coen Charnprakhon
- Jef de Visser
- Sam van Klinken
- Sander de Maat
- Sven Jumelet
- V.M. Gatto
Therefore, we want to help Shared Concepts in building a plan for a dynamic breakwater system whose primary purpose is coastal protection. This dynamic breakwater system is called: ‘de Banjaard’. This breakwater barrier island needs to be constructed, strengthened and utilized.
To strengthen the initial suppletion of sediment for “de Banjaard” bio builders are needed. Biodegradable bio builders will help the system by preserving ecological value that will be introduced to this breakwater barrier. For this design with biodegradable bio builders a multiple defense layer was chosen originally envisioned by Longhuan Zhu. The defense layers consist of suspended rope culture, submerged seagrass mats, emergent oyster reefs and a top layer of marram grass. These defense layers will protect the suppletion of sediment against erosion and also expand the initial suppletion by capturing additional sediment.
To succeed with this project, we must take into accounts the different opinions of the different stakeholders and find out what works for the most of them but also accommodate the needsfrom the minorities. There are some projects which have the same idea, goals or just lookslike “de Banjaard”. These projects give us some insights on several possibilities for “de Banjaard”. Eco-tourism will be one of the main pillars to help with maintaining “de Banjaard” by creating income and raising awareness. With eco-tourism we want to provide the visitorswith a unique and educational experience while not disturbing the nature.
By letting people make a reservation before visiting “de Banjaard”, you can easily limit the number of visitors and doing so have a small chance of disturbing the nature. The visitors can so experience an island where nature can take its course without (minimum) interference of men.
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