
The Mirror Project 

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Since climate change and the sea level rise caused by it cause a growing threat to the Dutch coastlines and flood safety, experts are searching for new methods to protect the land and its inhabitants from the rising sea.


  • HZ University of Applied Sciences


  • Emilia Marte Jorge
  • Floris Buijs
  • Tessa Pouwelse
  • Tim van Velzen


In the past, this solution has mainly been sought inlands, by building dikes and reinforcing dunes. In this project, a solution will be discussed that will take place in the Voordelta. 

The Banjaard is an existing sandbank located on the coast of Noord-Beveland, in the province of Zeeland. It lies in front of the Oosterscheldekering, the mechanical flood defense system that was built in response to the 1953 flood. This area and the existing sandbank will be the playing field for a project that involves creating an island in front of the coastline of Noord-Beveland that will be resilient to future changes in the sea level and other changes due to climate change, like more frequent and more fierce storms. Another goal of this project will be to provide a habitat for flora and fauna living in this part of the coast, which will in their place play a role in the resilience of the flood defense. In this way the biological and ecological aspects of the coastal zone will be improved, and a flood defense is designed that is resilient to future changes. 

This project will be a continuation of the research done by students of Wageningen University (Menheere, et al., 2022) and will be based on the designs made and presented in their research. 

Meer weten?

Renée Bron-Slis

Dwarsdenker & initiatiefnemer

Wie worden de Nieuwe Deltawerkers?*

Wij leven, wonen en werken in een prachtige delta. De rivieren en zeeën hebben ons land gemaakt, door de eeuwen heen steeds weer anders. En nog steeds verandert het landschap. Door natuurkrachten en door menselijk ingrijpen. Met klimaatverandering en toekomstige zeespiegelstijging zullen we weer aan de bak moeten om onze toekomst veilig te stellen. Na de grote deltawerken van de vorige eeuw, hebben we Nieuwe Deltawerkers nodig, mensen die bottum-up samen willen werken aan de goede dingen doen en de goede dingen goed doen.

Heb ideeën en plannen? Zoek je coalitiegenoten? Neem contact met ons op!

*Met dank aan de nieuwe deltawerkers Joost Adriaanse & Ester van de Wiel