
Breakwater project ‘De Banjaard’ 

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Climate change is a global problem that also affect the Netherlands. An important factor impacted by climate change and thus sea level rise is flood safety.


  • HZ University of Applied Sciences


  • Daan Woltjer
  • Janneke Janssen
  • Joost van Eenennaam
  • Rachel de Groot
  • Rahaf Hasan
  • Stiaan Gerrits
  • Tim Hoogkamp


  • Carlien Nijdam

In the province of Zeeland flood safety is greatly enhanced due to the Eastern Scheldt Barrier, which in extreme conditions (water levels more than 3m above NAP) is able to close its 62 sluice gates to protect the land behind it. The area around the Eastern Scheldt Barrier is subjected to erosion by (on average) southwest winds and waves, and occasional Northwest storms. 

This barrier was only built to withstand a total sea level rise of 1 meter. Due to unfavorable prospects, it is necessary to explore options to reduce erosion by wave- and wind energy in both normal and extreme conditions. This research explores the option of a breakwater near the coast and the Eastern Scheldt barrier. 

To be more specific, the optimal location, shape and design of the breakwater is researched, as well as the use of marine bio-builders and possible multifunctionality of a breakwater. The former was explored by researching three possible sites for the breakwater, where the following criteria were used to determine the suitability for reaching the desired results: 

  • Position and coastal protection 
  • Impact on tourism (Burgh-Haamstede)
  • Impact on shipping 
  • Impact on flora and fauna 
  • Sustainability 
  • Cost 

Using these criteria, it was found that variant 3 is the most favorable variant. 

Moreover, research into bio-builders showed positive prospects for implementation of biobuilders in the breakwater. Bio-builders can be used to stabilize sediment on the leewards side of the island. 

Concerning multifunctionality, there are chances for eco-tourism, energy and aquaculture. 

Meer weten?

Renée Bron-Slis

Dwarsdenker & initiatiefnemer

Wie worden de Nieuwe Deltawerkers?*

Wij leven, wonen en werken in een prachtige delta. De rivieren en zeeën hebben ons land gemaakt, door de eeuwen heen steeds weer anders. En nog steeds verandert het landschap. Door natuurkrachten en door menselijk ingrijpen. Met klimaatverandering en toekomstige zeespiegelstijging zullen we weer aan de bak moeten om onze toekomst veilig te stellen. Na de grote deltawerken van de vorige eeuw, hebben we Nieuwe Deltawerkers nodig, mensen die bottum-up samen willen werken aan de goede dingen doen en de goede dingen goed doen.

Heb ideeën en plannen? Zoek je coalitiegenoten? Neem contact met ons op!

*Met dank aan de nieuwe deltawerkers Joost Adriaanse & Ester van de Wiel